Got blood? 🤔 No, really. It’s so easy to take for granted the fact that most of us are in good health – even for seemingly simple things like having a healthy immune system. Or healthy blood. Blood is a vital + often-overlooked resource, as every 2 seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood.
But DYK there’s more than just one way to donate blood? And each different type of donation can help different people, based on their needs.
Here are the 4 ways to donate + who they help (plus where + how to donate with The Blood Connection):
💉 Plasma: liquid portion of blood that transports water + nutrients to the body’s tissues
Who it helps: Burn victims + those with bleeding disorders
Shelf life: 1 year
Donation deets: Can donate every 28 days, only at centers (see hours here)
💉 Platelets: small cell fragments in blood that help stop/prevent bleeding; made within bone marrow
Who it helps: Surgery, transplant + cancer patients
Shelf life: 5 days
Donation deets: Can donate every 7 days, only at centers (see hours here)
💉 Red blood cells: when only red cells are collected, not other blood components
Who it helps: Trauma, surgery, anemia + blood loss patients; blood disorders
Shelf life: 42 days
Donation deets: Can donate every 112 days, in centers (see hours here) + select mobile centers (follow on Facebook for upcoming blood drives)
💉 Whole blood: a pint of blood drawn containing red and white cells, platelets, + plasma (most common + traditional method, also quickest + easiest donation type)
Who it helps: Trauma and surgery patients
Shelf life: 21-35 days
Donation frequency: Can donate every 56 days, in centers (see hours here) + mobile centers (follow on Facebook for upcoming blood drives)
Whole blood donations take the least amount of time, ~45 mins-1 hr., with the actual blood draw taking no longer than 15 mins. The others are a longer process, since blood components are put back into your body. Expect those to take ~1.5-2 hrs.
Despite the massive need, <10% of the population donates blood. So donors are needed every day to ensure a stable blood supply. Here in WNC, you can donate at the The Blood Connection, a Carolinas-based nonprofit, and donations go directly to Mission Health and ten other WNC hospital partners. That means you’re helping a real, local recipient like we mentioned above. Plus, you get free snacks.
Book your appointment here, call 828-585-8060 or drop into their center at 225 Airport Rd. Ⓟ