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How you can help Crossnore support NC children

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Four smiling children stand in a bright, grassy field. Three stand in the back, and the middle has their arms over the shoulders of the other two. The smallest child stands in the front, arms crossed.

The Promise of Home campaign features three distinct steps, each aimed at expanding + enhancing services statewide.

Photo provided by Crossnore Communities for Children

Crossnore Communities for Children is a 100+-year-old North Carolina nonprofit.

In 2018, the organization opened an office in Hendersonville to address the growing need for services and began offering community foster care, clinical therapy, and trauma-informed training and consultation.

Now, Crossnore is amidst a $41 million fundraising campaign to expand and enhance where vulnerable children live, learn, and heal.

Interested in contributing to the cause? Visit their website to learn more + donate to The Promise of Home.

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