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Malaprop’s helps set the scene for a new documentary

The book shop will be a backdrop for “Books Across America” during an interview with local writer Sarah Allen Addison.

malaprop's bookstore exterior

The downtown shop will play itself in the upcoming documentary.

Photo by AVLtoday

Sometimes we struggle to finish one book a month for book club, but writer Mason Engel set himself a far loftier goal. He would visit 50 states, read 50 books, and interview 50 authors all in 50 days — and he would document the journey in “Books Across America.” When he reached North Carolina, Mason set his sights on Asheville and interviewed local author Sarah Addison Allen in her favorite bookstore, Malaprop’s.

The cozy downtown shop acted as a backdrop for Sarah and Mason’s discussion of her book, “Other Birds” (which Mason apparently speed-read in the back of a crowded minivan). “Other Birds” follows a woman who travels to South Carolina to claim her deceased mother’s apartment and there meets a colorful and secretive cast of characters.

The documentary will be coming soon, so keep an eye out for the familiar shelves when you watch. In the meantime, check out the trailer.

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