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Save green while going green with SolFarm

This Winter Solar Sale is the perfect time to become energy independent once and for all.

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Fun fact: If your solar system over-generates energy, that excess will flow back to the utility grid for your neighbors to utilize, and you’ll be credited on your utility bill.

Photo provided by SolFarm

Considering an energy upgrade? Asheville-based SolFarm can help you save money — and the planet.

SolFarm is a turnkey solar business, meaning they’ll take care of all permitting, zoning, and metering documentation, along with panel and battery installation.

The benefits of solar systems include:

  • Dramatically lower energy bills (solar panels typically pay for themselves in 6-9 years)
  • Reduced dependence on the city grid
  • Increased home resale value
  • Lower carbon footprint (who doesn’t love clean + renewable energy?)
  • Built-in backup power for weather disruptions or blackouts

SolFarm is offering $1,500 off a home solar system + an additional $500 discount on battery storage now through Feb. 29.

Plus, solar-related federal tax credits are currently at a historic high, so you can get back up to 30% of your total solar project costs.

We can’t promise you’ll be walking on sunshine, but you’ll certainly be saving because of it.

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